How to tell if a VPN is working?
As you will learn there are several methods for verifying the correct operation of your VPN service and the protection of your Internet traffic and personal data. Find more information checking VPN IP addresses for security
Check your IP address: Remember your current IP address, connect with the help of a VPN server and check your IP address again. Your VPN works if the IP address it shows is different from the one you wrote down earlier.
Check for DNS leaks: A DNS leak occurs when a VPN provider does not effectively encrypt your DNS traffic and your DNS requests pass through your ISP’s DNS servers.
Check for WebRTC leaks: Each browser contains a Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) for real communication between people.
Check your VPN status: Most VPN Softwares indicate whether the user is connected to a VPN or not. Be sure that your status is ‘Connected.’
Test your internet speed: Join a VPN and start an internet speed check. That is, if the internet connection is slow it may encounter certain problems.
Read further to learn why running occasional VPN tests is crucial to guarantee the efficacy, speed, and security of a VPN to protect your privacy and personal information.
Test a VPN for IP address leaks:

An IP address is a unique identification number that provides information about you such as your location or the websites you use. A VPN shields you from such individuals who may wish to get this information, and if the original IP address escapes, then it is useless to VPN. This commonly occurs between two internet protocols; the IPv4 and the IPv6 and interconnecting between these two protocols. Once a person has your actual IP address it means they will be able to track your activities on the net.
How can you know that your IP address is leaked?
Check your original IP address, Ensure your VPN is turned off and head to the “What is my IP address?” page, which will show your IP.
After enabling your VPN, connect to a server. Your IP address will now be that of one of the VPN companies. Verify that your real IP address matches your real one. Check to see whether your IP has changed by returning to the test page. However a VPN leak occurred if the results display your original IP address when using a VPN.
Split tunneling, browser settings, and app interference (such as antivirus software) can all result in IP leaks.
How To stop intellectual property leaks:
Select a VPN that offers WebRTC and robust DNS security and Verify if the VPN has a kill switch to cut off the connection if it drops. To preserve network integrity, pick a trustworthy VPN provider and stay away from utilizing shaky or free services.