When it comes to website hosting solutions, users look for speed, performance, efficiency and all of this at optimal costs. And the only solution that offers the above in a single package is Cloud Hosting. The core concept behind a Cloud Hosting solution revolves around the idea of hosting multiple websites together and storing the site data on a number of servers. What makes Cloud Hosting an ideal choice for website owners is its resourcefulness and cost-efficiency. In Cloud Hosting, there are multiple servers working in collaboration to store the website data. In case one of the servers fails, the job is taken by another server in the cluster, seamlessly recovering the data and keeping the site up.
Another reason why Cloud Hosting is ostensibly popular is the fact that one can scale resources as per the need of the website. The user can start with an affordable plan and then scale up as and when the business and traffic grow. This reduces the cost of hosting, which ultimately benefits the host. After having said all of the above, it is pretty obvious that Cloud Hosting in itself is an excellent solution. However, that’s not the end. Even though Cloud Hosting offers an extensive hosting solution, it can further be optimized to enhance the overall performance of the site.
Four Ways You Can Optimize Cloud Hosting
- Image Optimization: True that embedding images on the website enhances the appearance and the visibility of the same. However, higher-quality images also influence the loading speed and performance of the website. This means that better the image quality, higher is the time taken to load the page, thus increasing the response rate of the site. In order to deal with this and increase the performance of the Cloud Hosted website, it is advised to optimize images and trim them so that it no longer affects the website speed.
- Caching: Creating the static version of the page for content that is not subject to change is called caching. What happens here is that every time a request is sent by the user, pages are loaded from the server, which takes a considerable amount of time. Caching ensures that some content of the pages is loaded directly from the cached location – be it server caching or browser caching. This eliminates the need to visit the server every now and then to load the page, improving the speed and optimizing the solution. There is a range of tools that facilitate the process of caching, prominent among them are Varnish and Nginx.
- Removal of third party elements: Integrating the website with tools and social media platforms seems an excellent way to promote the same and increase traffic. However, these tools have the tendency to disrupt the performance of the site as they need data to load from an external server. It is best to keep these tools to a minimum number and optimize the overall functionality of the Cloud Hosted website.
- Opt For CDN: Another plausible way to optimize the Cloud Hosted website is to collaborate with a Content Delivery Network. These create a duplicate copy of the entire website, which then is distributed across servers at various locations. When a user accesses the site, the required data to load the webpage is taken from the CDN server closest to the user. This reduces the time taken to load the website and further, optimizes the same.
Final Word
Summarizing the above, it is obvious that there are multiple ways to optimize your cloud-hosted website. However, you need not embed all of the above in the first go. It is best to test and try each of these one at a time to know which methods serve your purpose best.